2022 Artist List
Karen Agopian - Jewelry
Joseph James Baker - Jewelry
Jacob Bartanus - Painting
Ed Bartoszek - 2-D Mixed Media - www.edbartoszek.com
Chelsey Bassett - Jewelry - www.tenderfootcraft.com
April D. Bates - Fiber - www.aprildbates.com
Jacqueline Beach - Painting - www.blackirisstudio.com
* Barry Bernstein - Ceramics
Christy Beulah Budnick - Jewelry - cbeulahbjewelry.etsy.com
Bradley Blair & David Pratt - Printmaking - www.jebujebu.com
James Blanchard - Jewelry
Brandon Boesl - Photography - upnorthphotography.smugmug.com
+* Anthony Brass - Painting - www.anthonyrbrass.com
Alesia Braund - 2-D Mixed Media - IG @alesiaartist
Cassandra Bullock - Jewelry - www.thesilverforeststudio.com
Cyndy Callog - Watercolor - www.cyndycallog.com
Betty J. Christian - Jewelry - www.bjchristian.com
* Dan Cook - Painting - www.dancook.biz
Jim Cook - 3-D Mixed Media - www.coppertimesprinklers.com
Julie Couturier - Sculpture - www.momandmeminis.com
Kristine Danielson - Jewelry - www.kristinedanielson.com
Patricia Davisson - Jewelry
Jordan Delmonte - Photography - www.jdelmontephotography.com
Cecile Derel - Glass - www.cecilederel.com
JoAnn Deuel Shelby - Painting - www.snowqueenstudio.com
Leigh DiFulvio - Painting - www.leighdifulvio.com
* Patrick Dragon - Ceramics - www.dragonclaystudio.com
Barb Drzewicki - Fiber - www.funkythreadz.net
Brooke Whitney Ellis - Painting - www.abstractandreact.com
Gary Rex Erickson - Jewelry - www.garyrexerickson.com
Susan Estler - Jewelry - www.susanestler.com
Diane Evans - Ceramics - www.deespottery.com
* Jennie Ferwerda - Drawing - www.jferwerdaarts.etsy.com
Sue Fleming - Fiber - www.zcashmere.com
+* Espacia Fotiu - 2-D Mixed Media - www.espaciafotiu.com
+* Wayne Francis - Sculpture
Janette Franich - Jewelry - www.janettefranichjewelry.com
John French - Painting - www.artofjohnfrench.com
Madeline Goodman - Jewelry - www.madgoodiesstudio.com
Joe Graci - Wood - www.gracistudio.com
Diane Gracy - 2-D Mixed Media, Jewelry - IG @vintij
Shantina Hatfield - 2-D Mixed Media - www.cedarlanedesignsmqt.com
Connie Hedmark - Jewelry - www.facebook.com/UP-roc-doc-119937541520308
Sarah M. Hillman - 3-D Mixed Media - www.facebook.com/3pearlsbysarah
Merida Hines-Tyler - Fiber - www.maddieshatbox.com
Edward Holland - Photography - www.hollandgraphs.com
Jane Johnson - Painting - www.janejohnsonart.com
Karina Johnson - Painting - www.kjocreative.com
Tessa Johnson - Painting
Kelly Kaatz - Ceramics - www.kellykaatz.com
* Ronna Katz - Painting - www.ronnakatzfineart.com
Pat Kroth - Fiber - www.krothfiberart.com
Jacquelyn Lambert - Jewelry - www.citybythelakejewelry.com
Stella Larkin - 3-D Mixed Media - www.rusticofurniture.net/stella-art
Steve & Michelle Lundborg - Glass
Sky Mage - Ceramics - www.skymageart.com
James Manning - 2-D Mixed Media - www.twohoots.studio
Doug Markusic - Photography
Synthia Marsh - Jewelry - www.synthiamarsh.com
Lynn Mazzoleni - Painting - IG @lynn.mazzoleni
Birdie McBride - 3-D Mixed Media - www.lakesuperiordriftco.com
Ashley Megal - Drawing - www.ashleymegal.com
Carole Meier - Ceramics
Dave Miess - Photography - www.davemiess.com
Chelsea Millikan - Jewelry - www.faroutsilver.com
Beth Moorhead - Painting - www.bethmoorhead.com
Anne Morrison Rabe - Photography - www.amr-photography.com
Haylie Mousseau - Painting
Robert Myrvall - Furniture
Ken Patzoldt - Glass
+* Donald N. Pennington - Photography
Nancy Piatek - 3-D Mixed Media
Rachel Pierce - Jewelry - www.heritagedesignsjewelry.com
* Reza Pishgahi - Glass - www.pishgahi.com
Erika Potila - Wood
Gail Rieder - Jewelry - www.goldfireltd.com
Nicole Ries - Photography - www.northlensphotography.com
+ Christopher Schmidt - Printmaking - www.xmaticdesign.com
Julie Schwarz - Photography
* Jeanne Scott - Ceramics - www.facebook.com/jeannescott
Rick Shapero - Glass
Leif Sporck - Ceramics - www.sporcktileart.com
* Miles Stearn - Ceramics - www.glazedimpressions.com
* Karen Steinkraus - 3-D Mixed Media - www.etsy.com/shop/thevictorianwitchhat
+* Mark Sudduth - Glass - www.sudduthglass.com
Cindy Swan-Eagan - Jewelry - www.artsygoods.com
Mark Thogerson - 3-D Mixed Media - www.scrimshaw.net
+#* Andy Van Schyndle - Painting - www.wagalabagala.com
Mary Gail VanSledright - Glass
Danielle Vincent - Jewelry - www.thethistlegrey.com
Derek Voigt - Wood - www.handmadewoodgifts.com
+ Karin Wagner Coron - 2-D Mixed Media
+* Terry Walsh - Painting - www.terrywalshart.com
* Harry Welsch and Kimberly Wellman - Ceramics
Jay Wennersten - Printmaking
* Keith & Colleen Westphal - Jewelry - www.keithwestphal.com
Don Wilson - Jewelry
Jeff Yuhas - Ceramics
Kalil Zender - Jewelry - www.kalilzender.com
Christina Ziegler - Jewelry
* - Invited Artist
# - 2019 Best of Show
+ - 2019 Award Winner